Monday 9 August 2010


I am now off on holiday for a week, going
to the sunny Isle of Wight. Being an island
off the south coast of England, it has the
reputation of being behind the times - fuck
me, it is terrible there, kinda like going back
to stone age times.

The broadband speeds are well slow, the new
Toy Story film is only being shown in 3D in
a couple of complexes and the new season of
Family Guy is only now being shown!

I will not have any real interweb access so
my posts will dry up for this week.

But do not despair - knowing that my blog
gives your life meaning and purpose, here
are some other blogs to keep you going.

Lucid Media not only have cool albums, they also
do a fantastic range of scanned comics ready for
you to read. Just added is the 1st 20 issues of
the Alan Moore "Swamp Thing", one of the finest
run I have ever read.

Looking for all things dark, black, doomy with big
dollops of psychedelic stoner? Well Veins Dried Out
will sort you out.

We Fucking Love Music have classical, electronic, dub step
(whatever the fuck that is), hardcore, new folk - the descriptions
are sometimes very sparse but you never know what will appear.

Julian Cope has a crazed website that talks about music, ley lines,
standing stones etc at Head Heritage


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