Monday, 30 April 2012
I See Dead People
I See Dead People is a blog that removes the dead people from
album covers. Funny and sad at the same time, whatever your
reaction, you have to admire the top quality photoshop work.
I have tried something like this before but never with such superior
results as this.
Take a look.
Friday, 27 April 2012
mnttaB - Rocky 4,2 and 3 (2012)
Band request from Melbourne, Australia.
Here is their press release:
You cant dance to this (well you can can try , but you'd probably end up hurting yourself) , it aint never gonna be cool, the "kids" wont like it and it will just look stupid painted on your jacket.
On the plus-side mnttaB's sound is a stomping noise-pop, synth-punk head-fuck packed with distorted beats, primal hooks and LOADS of shouting: Its great, you will love it...etc etc
Lining up shows in Euro/US this summer. So Look Out.
"I'm nobodies sidekick, dont have to pretend, I wont suffer your mood swings : I will not accept my own weakness.
Cos Im bigger than Elvis, Arnie, Dolph Lungren , Steve Seagal.
Believe me - I'm Rocky 4, 2 and 3.
See I'm big in Spain, Italy and Japan: I'm bigger than Beckham and Jesus AND Bono.
Fuck yeah : I'm Rocky"
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Akimbo - City of the Stars
Released in 2004, those generous guys at Seventh Rule Records
have now put this up for a free download.
Akimbo use a hardcore template and add a healthy dose of
ferocious riffs that crush together elements of noise with metal.
More experimental than a lot of their peers at this time, amongst
the shit-kicking tunes you can hear punk influences, bluesy
sludge - much like Botch, although very heavy, they obviously
felt no need to be straight-jacketed into one specific genre.
If you missed out the first time - Listen
Free download from Seventh Rule
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Death Grips - The Money Store
The new album from Death Grips is now out.
You know the score - experimental hip hop with more punk
attitude than a lot of "punk" bands around at the moment.
Just because they do not play guitars, do not think this is anything
less than a heavy, chaotic set of pounding songs.
If you liked "Ex Mililtary" you are in for a treat - if you have
never heard Death Grips before, throw aside your preconceptions
and track it down.
I have not put a download link up but if I found it, so can you.
I can smugly announce that I will be seeing them play next month!
Band Website
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Dead Southern Bishop - Hymns Of Malice and Discontent
Monday, 23 April 2012
Outtacontroller - Don't Play Dumb (2012)

Friday, 20 April 2012
Ruin Of Remembrance - Second World (2012)

Thursday, 19 April 2012
Torso - Inside (2012)

Tuesday, 17 April 2012
I Don't Want Your Pity

Wednesday, 4 April 2012
United Sons Of Toil - update

USoT Remixed
In September we announced a remix project and optimistically projected a release by the end of 2011. After much churn and swirl, we sent it to mastering last week. “Relations Of Production” will be available as a free download as well as a super limited-edition CD of less than 100 (with packaging involving riveted asset tags, ribbons, and sealing wax).
You may be asking yourself “what sorts of things can I expect from remixed USoT tracks?” Well, there’s some glitch, some dub, and some ambient as well as a dance track and one vaguely reminiscent of 80s hip-hop. Regardless, all tracks have been built using only audio from the original mixes. Keep an eye on our Bandcamp site which, coincidentally, still has all USoT records downloadable for as little as $0.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Shrine - Aether (2012)