Tuesday 11 September 2012

Process Of Guilt - FÆMIN

Band request from Portugal.

Process Of Guilt have produced a dark, hypnotic slab
of heaviness that uses post-metal templates to overlay
with hugely atmospheric and vicious sludge sounding

Droning riffs are played at mid pace which create a tension
over which the guttural vocals are spewed out.

The guitars are massive sounding and are driven along by the
superb tribal drumming, creating walls of noise that seem to
overpower with their deluge but you quickly realise that subtle
changes within the riffs are opening up different levels within
the passages. There is excellent interplay with clean, echo driven
guitar and the distorted, ferocious chords that explode out from
these tunes.

This should be the album that propels Process Of Guilt onto
bigger things - if you are tired of waiting for the Neurosis
release date to be finalised, give this a listen.

Buy from Bandcamp


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