These are the albums that made me
jump up and down the most this year.
Loads are new but there are a lot from
last year or years ago that I have only
discovered or got around to listening
to in 2010.
My outstanding top releases were:
Stooges - Live at Hammersmith
Kongh - Shadows of the Shapeless
October File - Holy Armour from the Jaws of God
Git Some - Loose Control
Coliseum - House with a Curse
Envy - Recitation
NoMeansNo - Wrong
Followed very closely by:
Ganon - As Above, So Below
General Lee - Hannibal Ad Portas
Wo Fat - Psychedelonaut
Boris - Heavy Rocks
Rosetta - Wake/Lift
Taint - All Bees to the Sea
Rinoa - An Age Among Them
St Vitus - Heavier Than Thou
Acid Tiger - S/T
Tia Carrera - The Quintessential
Bad Wizard - Free & Easy
Ceremony - Rohart Park
Black Bombaim - Saturdays & Space Travel
Alaskan - The Weak & the Wounded
Human Fly - Darker Later
Chickenhawk - S/T
Litany for the Whale - Dolores
Grinderman - 2
Killing Joke - Absolute Disscent
Touche Amore - To the Beat of a Dead Horse
Gil Scott Heron - Pieces of a Man
Electric Wizard - Black Masses
Gholas - 3araka
SirCusCus - Brutal Ethnology
Black Jazz - Shining
Part Chimp - Thriller
Melvins - Houdini
Phantom Glue - S/T
Well, I gave myself a year of blogging to see
what I could do - in the spring I decided that
when 2011 came up I would stop - it became a
chore to post every week day, no comments, no
feed back, take downs and doing it by myself
just seemed a bit - what's the point?
But ............
Visits increased, 'some' comments were being left and
more importantly I was talking to other blogs
and discovering shit loads of brilliant music that
could of passed me by. In particular, Veins Dried Out
introduced me to the murky and sometimes brain
exploding world of doom & black metal / very heavy
sounds and extreme noise rock.
In the last 3 months I have just been posting
whenever I feel like it or when a particular record
has hit the spot and that is the way I intend to
continue next year........ for a while at least!
See ya.
Some choice picks in there Mr Maim. Good to see you accepting some Melvins into your life haha.
ReplyDeleteFor me there would be no point doing this if it wasn't for the other blogs that we kept in contact with. It's a good little community. Hopefully we'll see a better 2011 in the way of comments. We'll see...
hey! be sure that me and my blog will be here for you people. Thanks for all the music an comments. 2011 more and better! happy new year everybody!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony, glad to hear VDO have been something of an ispiration for you :)
ReplyDeleteAs I said the other week, yours is rapidly becoming my favourite blog, and you should definitely keep it up. As for the lacks of comments, we know too well ourselves how irritating it can be!
Thanks guys, it means a lot.
ReplyDeleteZoSo))) - You wore me down with the Melvins .... glad you did man, I cannot see me playing that much Nirvana in the future and I still have at least 4 more Melvins albums to discover!Not getting so hung up about the comments anymore - no one is under any obligation to leave a comment - god knows I have taken without leaving anything but not since I have started bloging - even now I forget now and then! Fuck 'em ..... I will continue to spread the love and talk to like minded people.
Udols - we all have to stick together and keep going as long as we can.
Claypool - Without getting into a butt kissing contest, ZoSo))) knows that VDO was the blog that inspired me to start mine. Hopefully I will not run out of stuff you like. As you know, some of your stuff I find unplayable to my soft southern ears but I keep trying lots of new stuuf because if you did not think it was brilliant, it would not posted ..... and very slowly, everytime I go on VDO, I hear a voice in my head saying "come over to the darkside"!
We do read this you know. Frequently listen, too.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year.
You still reading this drivel?
ReplyDeleteMr Moloney, you were the first person to leave a comment - big respect dude!
Great stuff on here Tony, keep it up. -MikeG
ReplyDeleteThanks - I do intend to keep on with my rubbish!
ReplyDeleteinteresting list, some bands see first time. here's my list of favorite 2010 albums http://www.lastfm.ru/user/xdreamx19/journal/2011/02/04/475z8x_favorite_2010_albums
ReplyDeleteNice list - very much on the heavy side ...... I actually have some myself!
ReplyDeleteI think this next end of year will have a good crop of top albums - there have been some really good stuff so far.