Monday 9 November 2020

The Black Legacy - Black Flower

The Black Legacy are a stoner band who do not
piss around trying to invent the wheel - they want
to turn the amps up, crank out some riffs and stomp
on some distortion pedals.


Over the last couple of years, Stoner bands have become quite samey and seem to have lost the heavy edge it used to have.


Just my humble opinion but this is my blog -

please do not come whining about it.

This is raw stuff, both in production and the playing
which suits the music just fine. 

Riffs are basic and powerful and sometimes that is 
all I want. Circular song passages keep the groove
turned up to the max and the foot stomping beat just
keeps rolling along.

The guitar solos are prime electric blues - mean, aggressive
and full of feeling. This is the sort of shit I love.

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